Home Sleep Studies
Frankston -

Finding the right treatment
for each sleep disorder

Interrupted Sleep

If you snore and wake tired, it is highly likely you are stopping breathing hundreds of times every night.

Sleep Report

Using the latest scientific equipment, we record sleep patterns, analyse the data and arrange for a qualified sleep physician to include their clinical recommendations. Recordings are taken in your home.


Our diagnostic service includes clinical recommendations assisting the dentist or physician to identify and arrange the treatments best suited to each patient.

Healthy Active Life

Poor quality sleep is associated with a variety of health problems. Identifying and treating the underlying problem helps restore energy and vitality.

Our Reports Help Practitioners -
Recommend the right treatment for each patient

Sleep Apnea

Restless Leg Syndrome



Sleep Apnoea in Children

Our Partners

We work with several medical specialists, general practitioners, dentists, pharmacists and sleep clinics across Australia and help them deliver Level 2 sleep studies through resourcing. To organise a sleep study through our partner clinics or if you want to become a partner contact us now.


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