What happens during a sleep study?

Sensors measuring sleep, breathing and muscle movement record while you sleep. Home Sleep’s Level 2 sleep study in Melbourne involves someone coming to your home in the evening to put the wires on, then they leave and you spend an otherwise normal night at home.

How many hours of sleep do you need for a sleep study?

Medicare requires an 8 hour recording but there is no defined amount of sleep required during the recording. It’s best to have as close as possible to a normal night’s sleep, at least 4-5 hours is usually enough depending on what sleep stages and sleep positions are sampled.

What can be diagnosed from a sleep study?

Sleep related breathing disorders including obstructive sleep apnoea, central sleep apnoea, upper-airway resistance syndrome and cheyne-stokes respiration, as well as movement disorders such as periodic limb movement disorder.

Do you have to sleep on your back during a sleep study?

It’s useful to get at least some sleep on your back and some on your side during a sleep study as most people’s sleep apnoea severity varies depending on sleeping position.

Can your spouse sleep with you during a sleep study?

Yes, a bed partner will not affect the results of the level 2 home sleep study. For a level 1 hospital study, generally only the patient is permitted to stay.

What should you not do before a sleep study?

You should avoid taking any substance you would not normally that would affect your sleep or breathing eg: alcohol or sedatives that will increase the severity of sleep apnoea.

Can a sleep study detect anxiety?

Anxiety can cause insomnia which may be picked up, but there is no direct measurement of anxiety during a sleep study.

Can I go to the bathroom during a sleep study?

Yes. A level 2 home sleep study does not impede movement around the home. The only limitation is no showering/bathing or vigorous exercise that may cause excessive sweating with the equipment on.

What happens if I can't sleep during a sleep study?

The amount of sleep recorded during a sleep study isn’t nearly as important as how you breathe while you are asleep. It’s extremely rare during a level 2 home sleep study that someone doesn’t get enough sleep. Level 1 hospital studies are much more likely to fail due to not enough sleep, in which case the study will need to be repeated to get an accurate diagnosis.

Can I have my phone during a sleep study?

Yes, most electronic devices will not interfere with the sleep study recording.

Can my partner come to my sleep study?

Yes, for a home sleep study you may share your bed as normal. Partners may be permitted to come during the setup phase for a level 1 hospital study, but are usually not allowed to stay the night unless a special exception is made.

Do they wake you up during a sleep study?

No, there is no interference during a home sleep study. Hospital sleep studies on the other hand may wake you up to replace electrodes or ask you to change position.

How long does it take to get results from a sleep study?

A study conducted by Home Sleep can provide results as early as the day following your sleep study.

Is someone watching you during a sleep study?

During home sleep studies, no there is no-one watching you sleep. During a hospital study, yes there is a technician watching you over a camera.

Is a sleep study covered by Medicare Australia?

Yes, so long as you qualify for funding through your answers to the pre-test questionnaire. Medicare may not cover the total cost of the study.

Do I need a referral for a sleep study in Australia?

Normally yes, although if you book with Home Sleep, we can organise a referral on your behalf

What is the cost of a sleep study test?

A level 2 Home Sleep study including someone coming to you to set up the study and a consultation the following day to analyse the study and discuss your results is $265 out of pocket, after the Medicare rebate.

How do you get tested for sleep apnea in Melbourne?

The easiest way to get a high quality sleep study is a level 2 home-based study that gets conducted in the comfort of your own home. Home Sleep has sleep scientists that come to you to set up the study in the evening. Level 3 home sleep studies can be easier again, but these only screen for sleep apnoea rather than provide an accurate diagnosis.

Can I get a CPAP without a sleep study in Australia?

Yes, there are no laws prohibiting the sale of CPAP without a diagnosis of sleep apnoea. However, it is best to have a sleep study conducted first to verify the existence and severity of sleep apnoea.

What diagnosis qualifies for a sleep study?

A sleep study is a diagnostic test primarily looking for sleep apnoea. Anyone is allowed to have a sleep study, but Medicare will only provide funding if you meet the criteria during a pre-study questionnaire.

Can I use a CPAP without a sleep study?

Yes, there are no laws prohibiting the sale of CPAP without a diagnosis of sleep apnoea in Australia. However, it is best to have a sleep study conducted first to verify the existence and severity of sleep apnoea.

Can I refer myself to a sleep clinic?

You can call Home Sleep to organise a sleep study without needing your own doctor’s referral. We can sort everything out and make it as quick and easy as possible for you to have a sleep study at home.

How do doctors test for sleep apnea?

The only way to accurately diagnose sleep apnea is with a level 1 hospital sleep study or level 2 home sleep study, which both use polysomnography to measure sleep, breathing and movement.

Can I test for sleep apnea at home?

Yes, level 2 home sleep studies are highly accurate for diagnosing sleep apnea.

Can sleep apnea go away?

Sleep apnoea is not a temporary disorder that will go away by itself, in fact it generally worsens as we get older. Significant weight loss, strengthening the muscles in the upper airway or surgical intervention to open the airway may reduce the severity of sleep apnoea but rarely cures it entirely.

What machine is used to study sleep?

Level 1 and 2 sleep studies use a polysomnograph recorder to accurately measure sleep, breathing and muscle movement.

What is a sleep study machine called?

Level 1 and 2 sleep studies use a polysomnograph recorder to accurately measure sleep, breathing and muscle movement.

Can I buy a CPAP machine without a sleep study in Australia?

Yes, there are no laws prohibiting the sale of CPAP without a diagnosis of sleep apnoea. However, it is best to have a sleep study conducted first to verify the existence and severity of sleep apnoea.